Today we are going to take a look at an excelent e-commerce welcome email.
Nine Line Apparel's email had an instant appeal.
It not only made me want to buy, but it also made me feel like I was supporting something bigger than myself.

The subject line is pretty typical for this marketplace. Thank you for joining the team, thank you for joining the squad, thank you for joining our community… you get the idea.
But Nine Line's subject is good enough to open the email.
Also, they didn't capitalize each letter in the subject line, which makes it seems more personal. (Thanks to Chris Orzechowski for drilling that in my head)
They did a great job naming their company. I was a military pilot, so I know that a Nine Line is a medevac request for a wounded soldier.
The image of the helicopter and the call back to a Nine Line invokes a lot of emotion that connected me to this company.
Their tagline, "relentlessly patriotic," feeds that connection.
Throw in a great picture of the fam, and I'm hooked.

Next, hear from Tyler, the co-founder, and CEO. It's always nice to hear from the "big boss." The first thing he does is welcome us to the community.
The tone of the email is personal and feels like a letter just to me.
That's the best kind of email.

The next paragraph is spectacular.
It doesn't matter whether you are a veteran or a supporter Tyler makes you feel like you're contributing to something bigger than yourself.
I couldn't help but want to buy something.
The next thing Tyler does is tell us why we're receiving these emails. I don't see a lot of companies do this, but it's a great way to reduce spam reports. Particularly if a company gets email addresses from many channels.

Next, we have a 10% discount added to the welcome email. Giving a discount at this point is a great way to motivate people to go to their site. Especially when an email does such a great job creating a bond.
After the signature, there appears to be a video. The video image is from a Fox News broadcast. Talk about building credibility!

Click on the video, and it sends you to the Nine Line about page. I could do a whole other video on their about page. Fantastic!
When you have an about page as strong as Nine Line's, then it makes sense to send people there. It's also a great way to get me to their website without a hint of selling me anything.
After the video, they've listed a couple of products that are probably some of the best sellers. While this is common in a lot of e-commerce emails, Nine Line has done a great job of not making these offers the star of the show. They made a connection with me first and then offered me another chance to go to their site.
Good job.
The final image on the page links to their YouTube channel. I'm gonna critique them a little bit here. I would stick to a single call to action. Especially since they did such a great job making me want to click to their website.

I would put the social media requests in future emails.
This is an excellent e-commerce welcome email.
I even bought one of their T-shirts, and I've got plenty of military T-shirts already.