How to Become an Expert in Any Niche in Less Than a Week

​It's time for this weeks Copy Conversation.  

Copy conversations​ are  bite sized tips and tools to help you with your copywriting no matter if you are a business owner or a freelancer.  ​

Transcript summary

(I used a computer for this transcript so give me a break)

I wanted to tell you something that I learned this week was pretty interesting.  I was going through some old notes and found where Bond Halbert was talking about how to become an expert in any niche.

Basically, what he said was you need to find the top five books on any topic or a subject.  Read them, and you'll be an expert.

Then I remembered that I also heard John Carlton say the same thing as well. Or something similar.

So the common denominator between John and Bond is Gary. So there is a good chance that Gary Halbert probably came up with the idea.

Bond's point was if you do the work that most people aren't willing to do... you get the top five books in you really read them.  In less than a week, you can become smarter than almost anybody on any topic.  

Another thing that really struck me that was relevant as we all fall for imposter syndrome.  Imposter syndrome is when we allow ourselves to feel like we don't have any business talking about topics.

Bond also talked about how expertise is relative. For example, he likes watches. And his watch expertise as compared to his friends is much higher.  But he considers himself not to be an expert compared to the person that manufactures the watch. The person that manufactures watches is less of an expert than the people who create the components.

So it's really important not to get wound up in imposter syndrome when you're out doing the work and gathering the knowledge.

If you really want to become an expert on any topic, any niche and go grab the top five books in that industry or the niche. Read them, and you can become an expert really quick.

P.S. - The number one thing that changed the copywriting game for me was finding a group of mentors to critique my copy and give me feedback. If your ready to shed your ​amateur status then check out Copy Chief

In Copy Chief your copy is critiqued by A-list copywriters who are ​generating millions of dollars right now. ​

Also, you get access to weekly and monthly trainings that are better than anything for sale out there right now. 

It's all included. It's free to try. Check it out here.



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