Email Breakdown #10 Pied Piper Copywriting

This week's email breakdown is a cold email from Revision Legal. I say cold because I haven't heard from them in years. Long enough that it took me a while to figure out who they were. 

I got to say, their email game is killer. 

This weeks email is an example of the almost unstoppable power of meeting your customer where they are...

... then leading them to the sale.

Key Takeaways

  • Meet your customer where they are and lead them to where you want them to go. 
  • Humor is an excellent way to break down barriers and open people to your message.
  • Know your market pain points (duh, how else could you lead them?)
  • Conversational tone wins (even when you are talking law stuff)
  • Cute/funny images when used well warm the audience...but don't rely on an image to carry the message.
  • Make sure the subject and the preview text pay off quickly.


(Computer generated transcript)

Welcome to email breakdown number 10. This email just came into my inbox this morning. Using this email wasn't my plan, but it was so good I thought I should put it on here. The email we're going to be looking at is from a company called Revision Legal. It's a law firm that deals with online businesses. And this was a reasonably cold email because I signed up for their list years ago, and I actually did a little project with them, but I've since forgotten all about them.

I'm going to call this a cool email because I am on their list, and I have dealt with them before.

But it took me a little bit to figure out who was sending me this email, and I got it in that box. But Revision Legal does some great things in this email, and their email game is a pretty killer compared to the most boring stuff that I get every day in my inbox. So let's take a look. Looking at the subject line, you see it comes from John, a Real-Life Life Person at Revision Legal. And it starts with I don't know why I need a lawyer.

It's not a bad subject line. And I see it's in quotes. So they're quoting someone they'll think maybe I would change here is making it more direct towards me instead of trying to figure out what's going on.

It gave me enough curiosity to continue to click. So I can't complain too much, but I might rework that just a little bit. You see, the preview text here is the DIY is excellent for redoing your bathroom. And I think the to the subject line and the preview text play together to give you some good curiosity, enough to get inside and read the email, which is what I did. So here we go. Right. Immediately they pay off the quote.

The subject line, which is suitable for the preview text on the subject line, needs to pay that off as quickly as possible. So you'd be surprised how many clients we end up working with who initially tell us. I don't know why I need a lawyer. And as someone who has used these guys and needed a lawyer for my online business, I think online stores are just business in general. It's not just that you don't know why you need a lawyer.

You hope you never have to get one. So that first line rings a bell with me. And to expand on that very theme, the next in parentheses they arrived, they have or do know they need a lawyer. But given that lawyers are only marginally more popular and flesh-eating bacteria, they opt to go the DIY route.

They use a very conversational tone. They're injecting humor. I mean, this is not what you would expect from a lawyer. And I just it's great. Also notice that they used my name in there, which is lovely as well. I like the next. We framed that. People don't want to get lawyers, and there's a lot of DIY I DIY options out there in Boulder. Right. Here they go. And while it's entirely possible to start and grow business using a few scrappy legal zoom templates.

At a certain point, the stakes get high enough. For most people, it's worth having a professional. Take a look. If only so they can sleep at night. And then they use this adorable kitten picture here. Now, images, in general, are excellent. They really can bond you with the audience. When used appropriately, don't rely on that can image to carry your message. And they didn't hear. The image complements the message.

And again, they go right back to their humor. In this email, you are slumbering peacefully in knowing that your legal affairs are buttoned up tighter than a Victorian Victorian lady in waiting. Very cute. It all flows. And I'm pretty delighted at this point with the email. As someone who, you know, reads a ton of email just for fun. So if you're living in a wishy-washy, what if Wonderland, it can be useful to see a few concrete examples of what precisely a right law firm is supposed to do for your business.

This is the power of this email and the power of this whole Pied Piper kind of thing. I lured you into this email break down within just a few short sentences, and these guys managed to meet me where I was. I'm an online business owner who I don't want to spend the money on a lawyer. I there's template options out there. In the back of my mind, I know that there might be problems or lawsuits or something I'm missing, whether it's the terms of service on my Web site or whatever it may be.

And I always had that little fear in the back of my head that I'm missing something that's going to get me in trouble down the line. So they've met me where I am without calling me out at all, which is pretty. I mean, it's just it's great. So now then this is where they start to lead us to that Pied Piper thing. Now, this is just our opinion. However, you did ask for it because I signed up for their list at some point.

And that's I mean, it's just conversational and fun. But here's how we see things. And now they're going to talk about all the different things a good law firm can do for me based on me being an internet business owner. They're going to talk about how a good law firm should look out for you. And they're looking ahead. New regulations and current events, and they're going to email or text or call. So they're going to take care of that stuff.

So I don't have to, which is just really a load off the right law firm that I understand online business. And then they hit you with things that an online business owner would do, like terms and condition pages and running traffic. You should have your freedom of speech protected. That's the current event problem. And even more so online, a good law firm would aggressively defend you in intellectual property, trademarks and inventions if it came out of your brain. It needs protection will help you file the appropriate paperwork.

Everything about this is just so conversational and witty and fun. And they've gone from meeting me where I was to showing me why I need that excellent lawyer and leading me to their services. And then a good law firm is also made up of good people. Luckily we've got that one in the bag. Great. It's fun. Ready to make revision legal. Your go-to beer buddies scratched out. This is just a persuasive email. If you want to understand that concept of meeting the customer where they are and leading them to your business sale, just a better relationship, whatever you're shooting for.

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  2. Check out the other copywriting tips you may have missed.



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