The Number One Rule You Must Remember to Write Great Headlines

The headline of your ad is one of the most important things you will ever write. 

But there is a common myth that makes headlines fizzle instead of sizzle.

In this week's Copy Conversations, I bust the myth... and show you how to make sure your headlines never suffer from it again.


In this week's Copy Conversations, we're just going to talk about the number one rule quickly you must remember if you want to write great headlines.

And honestly, this is a mindset lesson, but it's super important if you're out there writing your headlines for your products and services.

This is something that you need to remember.

It's going to help you refine your headlines and make them more persuasive.

There's a myth out there that your headline is to sell your product.

That's a pretty common thought.

People put a lot of pressure on their headlines, and they really should put a lot of pressure on having a great headline.

But it's not for the reason you think it is.

It's not to sell your product.

This is the headline's number one job.

According to Eugene Shwartz.

I'm not going to go into who Eugene was.

Google him if you don't know.

But he's a pretty big deal in copywriting, one of the fathers of copywriting.

And he says your headline has only one job to stop your prospect in their tracks and compel them to read the second sentence of your ad.

And that's it.

Now, there are many methods of doing that.

If you check my previous articles, you'll see some of those.

And if you're interested in more in-depth headline conversations, please feel free to email me and let me know, and I'll be more than happy to throw together a lot more content on headlines.

But you need to get in that mindset that when you're writing your copy, every sentence should compel the reader to read the next one.

So it's the copywriter's job to force the reader to read as much as the sales message is possible.

And the more the prospect reads the more likely they are to buy.

Super quick lesson this week on headlines, but I think it is really important.

And if you have any questions about headlines or you would like some help writing your headlines, please feel free to let me know.

If you want to check out my other articles on persuasive copywriting, you can find them here.


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