This week we continue to drill into the Primal Persuasion Secrets. The secrets so powerful, once you master them, your customers will beg to buy.
Does your market fall into the Dependence Schema?
What stories resonate with them the most?
Let's find out...
This week, we're going to continue our conversation on Primal Persuasion Secrets,and we're going to talk about the dependence schema.
As a quick review, schemas are kind of like programs that run in our head that we developed when we were very young and they tell us how to interact with the world.
And when you nail down the primary schemas of your audience.
You are able to craft better stories to have a bigger impact on them.
Someone suffering from the dependence schema will feel unable to handle situations in a competent manner without help from others.
Now, as we're talking about these, keep in mind that I'm pulling my information from the world of psychology. In the world of psychology they're going to give us the worst case scenario in general.
Humans suffer from a mix of all these schemas and they suffer from them at different levels.
The impact of a dependent schema in your market might be very minor.
You just have to know what to look for.
Someone who suffers a great deal from the dependence schema would feel that in all situations, however, maybe in other markets, let's say health, someone's had something happen in their life that have made them feel incompetent to handle health.
Maybe as a very young child, a parent was sick or died of cancer.
Many times these individuals feel incompetent when they're trying new things and they seek out strong figures to become dependent on and use their rules to succeed instead of making their own.
They'll also have a lot of trouble acting on their own.
Dependent's indicator's.
When you think about your market, think about these items.
Do they come across as childlike when taking on responsibility?
Do they feel like they can't get by on their own?
Maybe they have poorly developed coping skills and they rely on others for care and coping.
Are they resistant to tackling new task without help?
Do they often feel inept even if they do a good job?
And do they become overwhelmed with new tasks?
If these items seem true to a chunk of your market, then it's very likely that they suffer from some level of the dependence schema.
Common markets with dependent schemas.
Religion, politics, marketing, self-help, alternative health.
And the stories you're going to want to use to address those markets
that have a dependent schema are the powerful, strong guru types,
the leaders that they know the answers and all they have to do is seek them.
They are going to guide them.
They're going to give them the answers.
They'll just tell them straight up what to do.
So promise that in your copy, basically, what you want to do is create a cult, develop an origin story for your product or your designated guru.
Give yourself superpowers.
For example, you've discovered the power to heal a certain disease.
Part of creating a cult is developing a language and having an ascension model as well.
There are different levels that the followers can climb to to get closer to you.
Examples of people who use the models.
I got this click funnel shirt here, I actually have this shirt and I love it, and at one point Russell was straight up with everyone saying he's building a cult.
And what Russell is doing was kind of attracting this anti authority person, which is is very different than the dependent's model.
He created a great blueprint to show you how to create stories and create that cult like model.
When you're big into Click Funnels,
you have your own language like funnel hacker.
You have an ascension model like the One Comma Club, the Two Comma Club.
At one point he had the Click Funnel Certified Program.
There's these different levels that you can use to get closer to Russell, and that's all a part of their marketing.
Then, of course, any religion is going to rely heavily on markets that suffer from the dependence schema.
When you look at talk radio like Rush Limbaugh, there is no better example of someone who is a guru figure and has created his own language and a cult around the idea of conservatism, for example.
So in summary, people who suffer from the dependence schema need guidance, they're looking for an authority figure to give them the answers.
What you need to do with your copy is create a cult like community.
Have that origin story, create your own language, have some type of ascension plan inside of your marketing, use testimonials to inspire, and prove guru status and be sure to create a superpower, something that you do better than anyone else.
And you can lead the market to the promised land using that power.
That's it for this week, if you have any questions, you can hit me up at Funnel Copy Experts dot com.
•People who suffer from the Dependence Schema need guidance.
•They are looking for an authority figure to give them the answers.
•Create a cult like community with a language, dogma, ascension plan, etc.
•Use testimonials to inspire and prove “guru” status.
•Create a super power.