People suffering from the Entitlement Schema think the rules don't apply to them.
They feel as though they deserve anything they want.
So how do you sell to people who think you should hand them everything on a silver platter?
That's what this week's Copy Conversation is all about. You're going to love this one.
This week's Primal Persuasion Secret is the entitlement schema, or "I can have whatever I want."
As a reminder of what these schemas are all about, children develop coping mechanisms or schemas to survive traumatic events.
These coping mechanisms help children survive, but they don't necessarily serve people as adults.
These schemas determine how we think, feel, act, and relate to others.
They trigger intense feelings such as anger, sadness, and anxiety.
And Copywriting 101 says people buy on emotion and justify with logic.
By understanding your market's primary schemas, you can create a message that resonates on a psychological level.
Now, as I go through and talk about these schemas, I want you to understand that I'm talking about psychological principles.
So they're always the worst case.
But human beings have a mix of all these schemas at different levels.
So when you start looking at your market, keep in mind that some schemas will resonate more with them.
And your market is filled with human beings who have developed schemas for all kinds of different traumas and tragedies in life.
The entitlement schema is the inability to accept realistic limits in life.
They feel they are special.
They believe they should be able to do, say, or have immediately anything they want.
They disregard what other people feel is feasible, often at other people's costs.
They have low self-discipline.
They were often spoiled as children and not required to exercise self-control.
And they have a lot of anger.
When you're looking into your market, entitlement indicators are they can't accept no.
And they get angry when they don't get what they want.
They feel they're special, and they don't have to accept constraints.
Their needs come first. They tend to have addictive behaviors.
They want immediate gratification.
Which often leads to trouble meeting long-term goals.
They can't discipline themselves.
They hate boring or routine tasks, have low impulse control, and think people must do things their way.
Common markets with the entitlement schema are finance, bizarre health, fitness, beauty.
And there's some level of this in a lot of the markets out there.
So it's always good to have at least a few bullet points to address the entitlement.
Stories that work.
How to get what you want despite the roadblocks.
And it doesn't matter how significant the roadblocks are.
Give them status that others can't get. Make sure that they can get it now—immediate gratification.
Keep in mind that they feel they're unique, and the rules don't apply to them.
Here are some copy examples.

The first one, Bryan Cloyd.
Every year, more than four billion is left unclaimed by Americans that they usually have no idea they're entitled to.
Comes right out and says you're entitled to it.

Here are some bullets.
Talking about sneaky tricks, the banks use.
Tricks and tools that the wealthy know about, that you should know about, and you're entitled to the same kind of things that these wealthy people have.

And then we've got this DVD with this forbidden technique revealed.
This new DVD reveals my unique system for creating a powerful reality that gets you exactly what you want in life, love, and career because you deserve it.

This secret police auction and exclusive deals. I like this one a lot.
Three hundred and five thousand people ahead of you.

Do you want priority access?
Of course, I do. All these people should not be ahead of me.
I want priority access.
In summary, people with the entitlement schema feel special, and the rules don't apply to them.
They believe they should be able to do, say, or have anything they want immediately.
So you're going to use copy that shows them how to get what they want, now, despite the roadblocks.
If you like learning about primal persuasion check out my other articles here.
If you're the type of person who wants to read the research you can check that out in this book.