The Primal Persuasion Secrets are powerful tools when it comes to writing copy...
... But should they be locked away in a Temple of Doom vault and never see the light of day again?
I'm going to get on my giant-sized soapbox for this one, folks.
Check out the video below and let me know what you think.
Yesterday I was on the Conversion Choreography show.
It's a podcast, and we were chatting about my Primal Persuasion secrets. The host, Anna, said, "wow, that sounds nefarious."
OK, she didn't say nefarious because that's just a word that I like to use.
But we laughed about it, and we talked about marketing in general.
But I did want to address the idea that many people, customers, and marketers have, that there's a lot of shady things going on with copywriting or just marketing in general.
And I think that's unfortunate.
But I did want to address this idea that if you're teaching persuasion, you're doing something wrong because I'm just going to say this there are many bad people out there.
They're bad politicians, marketers, people, scammers, and you name it.
They're out there, and they already know how to persuade.
They're better persuaders than I'll ever be, probably.
But as a copywriter,
I feel like it's my responsibility to be able to do this job as well as possible
and to beat as many of those scammers on a persuasion level as possible.
And what I mean by that is...
If I am doing the right things, I am holding myself to a higher standard. I am only taking on clients with good products.
There will be plenty of people out there who do not have my higher ideals, so I need my copy to beat their copy.
I need to attract the people that can genuinely benefit from the product I'm writing for and be far more persuasive than the bad people out there promoting that product.
Second, as a copywriter, it's my responsibility to serve my client by being the best writer I can be. Being the most persuasive writer I can be...
... and helping the customers out there who need these products.
Because human psychology is set up where loss is greater than gain.
And it's tough to get someone's money even if you have something that they want or need.
And I don't know how this is coming across to everybody, but I just want to put this stuff out here.
I kind of believe that this is a mission and a calling.
I care about my integrity.
I care about the people that I'm writing for.
I care about the people out there who need the products.
I care about the people out there who are buying potentially life-changing products.
And when Anna and I were talking about this on the podcast, I told a story.
When I was little, there was this bedazzle kind of thing on TV.
It wasn't a bedazzled, but it was something like that.
And I got so excited about it, and my grandma bought it for me. I waited and waited for it to come in the mail. This was back before you got your stuff the next day. It was probably like a six-week delivery thing.
I got it. And opened up this plastic piece of junk...
... and it didn't work, and we never got to work.
And when I think back on it now, I realize, you know, that thing was expensive for my grandma to buy for me.
She worked hard in a factory, and I don't ever want to be that person, taking money that people need away from them for a shoddy or ineffective product.
So that's where I'm coming from with this.
I believe that most marketers are good people.
I believe they feel the same way I do.
And I'm going to keep writing about persuasion and working every day to improve my copy.
Anyway, if anybody has any questions about the personal persuasion secrets or would like some help with their copy.