Fear and anxiety fill markets that suffer from the vulnerability schema.
If you don't craft your message carefully, you'll send your customers running for the hills.
Let's look at how to identify vulnerability in your market, and what type of copy makes you the most sales.
This week's Primal Persuasion Secrets is all about vulnerability.
As a reminder, as we talk about Schemas, schemas are kind of like a program in our brains that developed when we were children.
And children develop coping mechanisms to survive traumatic events.
These coping mechanisms helped children survive, but don't necessarily serve us as an adult.
Now, keep in mind traumatic events when we're dealing with psychological principles.
Obviously, we're always talking about the worst case, most horrible scenarios possible.
But what is traumatic to a child may not be traumatic as an adult.
And we all suffer from various schemas at different levels.
It's like a 1 to 10 scale.
So when you're looking at your market, we're not saying that everyone who suffers from this vulnerability schema is the worst case scenario.
There's just different levels and mixes within your market.
Schemas determine how we think, feel, act, and relate to others.
And when we have these schemas, they tend to trigger strong feelings such as anger, sadness and anxiety. And copywriting 101 says people buy stuff on emotion and justify with logic.
By understanding your market’s primary life traps or schemas, you can create a message that resonates at a psychological level.
Individuals that suffer from a vulnerability schema, they live in fear that disaster is about to strike.
They're always going to be anxious and fearful of natural disasters, criminals attacking them, somehow losing their health or not being able to pay their medical bills, losing all their money stuff like that.
As a child, for some reason, they were made to feel that the world was unsafe.
So they don't feel safe in the world, there's some and they don't necessarily have all these problems affecting them.
Maybe their house was broken into when they were little.
And now then they fear criminals or maybe their parent was very anxious about finances.
So now they are also anxious about finances.
But on some level, they let these fears control their lives and they spend the resources to make sure they are safe.
Your market may suffer from a vulnerability schema if they can't escape the feeling, something bad is going to happen.
Catastrophe can strike any time they have a fear of losing everything, being attacked, mugged.
They're afraid they're going to be sick.
They may be hypochondriacs.
They are super aware of their body and sensations.
And if they wake up and their hands are hurting then they are on Google, trying to figure out why.
They’re afraid to travel or leave the house because something bad will happen to them. Basically, just an overall fear of loss of control.
Common markets with vulnerability schemas are finance, health, survival prepper and if you'll notice over the last few weeks, you know, there's a meshing together of various schemes within marketplaces, but some are stronger in one marketplace than the other and vulnerability schema people will be highly attracted to finance and health and prepping and survival.
Stories that work are doom and gloom.
What you want to you want to confirm their fear, don't make them feel like, oh, that's not a big deal because they truly believe inside at a subconscious level that these bad things are going to happen and you need to say, yeah, you're right.
But here's how I can help you fix that.
Here's your lifeline to protect you from that one fear that you may have.
Here are some examples, these are both from Agora.
Here's one about...It's a health offer.

Dead on arrival what's suddenly killing American seniors. It's like, yeah, you're verifying it.
Things are killing people.
Doctors are killing people.
Bad things are happening.
And this was a highly effective ad for them, if you look it up.
And here's one on money.

If you have money in the stock market, you can lose as much as 10 percent of your portfolio in a flash starting just days from now.
I mean, imagine that you are very fearful of your health or your finances then these are going to call out to you, you're going to be compelled to click on these and listen to the message.
So in summary, people suffering from the vulnerability schema believe the world is unsafe, they have a lot of fear that drives their decisions.
Use copy that confirms their fear.
Don't be afraid to use a little doom and gloom but give them a lifeline out of their pain.
That's it for this week, if you have any questions, you can hit me up at Funnel Copy Experts dot com and I'll see you next week.
• People suffering from the vulnerability schema believe the world is unsafe.
• They have a lot of fear that drives their decisions.
• Use copy that confirms their fear. Don’t be afraid to use a little doom and gloom.
• Give them a lifeline out of the pain.