Today’s email breakdown is all about using images in your email to trigger the click, sale, moola, whatever you prefer.
Now, I’m not a massive fan of using a bunch of images in emails. But…
…this email from Klean Kanteen does an exceptional job of using images to sell their product.
Kleen Kanteen is a thermos for hikers. Not the “dating profile” hikers. The kind of hikers that put in the miles and love being on the trail.
Klean Kanteen’s email isn’t the best eCommerce email I’ve ever seen. Yet, their image game is supreme.
Let’s get started.

Before we get into this beautiful image, let’s check out the subject line. Klean has used a holiday to have a reason to send out an email. There are all kinds of fun holidays, and they are excellent email fodder (even better sales fodder).
It’s a great reminder that you can always find fun reasons to send an email.
You can turn every little interaction or thing that happens in your into a good story or reason to chat with your customers.
Now the tagline.
3 Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Soup on the Trail
This tagline is genius.
Hikers know that trail food is usually dehydrated calories that get the job done. They don’t expect a gourmet meal.
Not only is this instant curiosity (how can I have tasty soup on the trail), it also engages the senses. I’m already thinking about how soup taste. How nice it is to drink warm soup on a chilly morning on the trail.
That one line activated my senses and made me curious. It also set up a beautiful image.
Look at that. I want that food, and I would never get excited about trail food. Heck, I want to grab my hiking shoes and walk 10 miles to get that soup.

Instant soups are a staple = Backpackers are very framiler with them. They can’t help but visualize themselves on the trail eating soup.
Help warm cold bodies on chilly evenings = memories of warm soup in your belly on cold nights. It is not only visualization but nostalgia.
Side note – Nostalgia is your bonus lesson for this email. Nostalgia is a powerful tool of persuasion.
In the book How to Write a Good Advertisement, Victor Schaub said
“A suggestion which advertising copywriters may often use effectively is “start where the reader was”. One way to get under the skin of readers is to evoke a flood of nostalgic memories. Sometimes you can do it positively, by making a comparison or tie up with a desirable memory. Sometimes you can do it negatively, contrasting the new product advantage with an undesirable memory.”
By reminding the reader of nostalgic times on the trail (starting where the reader was) then showing them the yummy soup it links the powerful feelings of the past to your product.
Klean also offers recipes to fill your Klean Kanteen with yummy soup.

They’ve set the reader up. Flooded them with images of tasty food and nostalga then they offer the perfect tool to keep your soup warm on the trail.
Bam. Sold.
They didn’t need a lot of fancy words to sell their product. A few well thought out sentences and some great images was enough.
- Use relevant images that meet the customer where they are and shows them how much better it can be.
- Nostalga is a powerful tool to link your product to emotions of the past.
- Don’t be afraid to get creative with your reasons to send an email. A random holliday is just as good a reason as any (link your mail to the reason)
- Use images and language that allows the reader to visualize the improvement your product will bring to their lives.