In case you've missed it, I've talked all about the different schemas in my Primal Persuasion discussions here.
Today, we are back at breaking down emails.
This time it's all about how New Market Health uses the Vulnerability Schema to sell the click and their products.
This short email is packed with copywriting lessons, so turn off your phone and hit play.
You are not going to want to miss this one.
Key Takeaways
- New Market is clearly at the top of their game when it comes to copy. This short email clearly calls out their market, is packed with curiosity and overcomes any real objection to clicking the link.
- The Vulnerability schema is all about fear and the loss of control. This email capitalizes on the feeling that the reader is missing an important fact about their health and a simple way to solve for it.
- This is a great example of using fear-based curiosity to resonate with your market.
Welcome to email breakdown number 12.
It's been a while since we did any email breakdowns because we spent about 12 weeks on Primal Persuasion Secrets.
This week, our email breakdown will be a little different from the ones in the past.
I'm going to be looking at an email based on a primal persuasion secret.
This week, it will be the vulnerability schema.
And use this as an opportunity to give you more examples of how to use Primal Persuasion Secrets in your copywriting.
I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about what these schemas or persuasion secrets are.
You can go back and click on the link to the previous articles and see them explained in detail.
Schemas are coping mechanisms we develop as children.
They determine how we think, feel, act, and relate to others.
And they trigger intense feelings such as anger, sadness, and anxiety.
And of course, people buy on emotion and justify with logic.
So that's why it's essential to understand these schemas as a copywriter.
The one we're going to focus on this week is the vulnerability schema, and the email I'm about to show you use a lot of the triggers that would attract this market.
Vulnerability indicators in general, you know, we all have certain anxiety levels that something terrible will happen. Some have it more than others.
And that's why this is such a powerful player in the health market, the finance market, the personal protection market.
And it comes down to a fear of losing control.
So we're going to start with our email here, and this is from Newmarket Health. They're huge in the health space.
And even though we're talking about Schemas, I will talk about some good copywriting points in this email.

The only water you should drink if you're 65 plus, first of all,
we're calling out exactly who we're trying to get our message to, 65 five plus.
The second thing about this headline is it's curiosity-driven.
And curiosity is a very powerful tool in copywriting.
So the only water you should drink if you're 65 plus, you're going to want to know what that water is.
Could you be at risk of accelerated aging?
Now, I've tied in the water I'm drinking to aging faster. Which even builds more on the curiosity.
It also ties into the headline to help move me down the page.
Recent scientific testing has shown there's only one kind of water you should drink.
So at this point, as far as vulnerability goes, we've given them a scare.
What if I'm drinking the wrong kind of water? And we back that up with scientific testing.
That is a substantial proof element.
And by this point in the email, they should be worried.
They should have a lot of curiosity and concern over the water they're drinking.
Now, then this next line in particular is eliminating someone from going, "oh, I already know what that is."
This has nothing to do with alkalinity or extreme filtering that leaves water dead.
A lot of health space ads and products talk about making your body more alkaline.
So we've eliminated anybody going, "oh, I know what that is," and then clicking away from the email.
Instead, science is showing senior men and women may need water with this unique property.
This tells me it's something new.
It's something I haven't heard about.
And we've talked about science, again, as a proof element.

And this special secret ingredient is going to protect your cells from aging.
Now, then we're going to talk about the benefits.
So we showed them the pain, the increased aging, and maybe drinking the wrong thing.
What am I doing to myself?
Now we're going to show them what the other side looks like.
You can enjoy strong joints. What older person wouldn't want that?
Boundless energy, healthy skin, all from drinking this certain kind of water.
However, if you drink the wrong kind of water, your health could be making you old.
Now, we come back to that vulnerability schema here because often you have to give them a lot of pain in your messaging, and it's circled around.
So you showed them the pain.
You've given them a way out, and then you've reminded them that they could be doing something wrong, and they need to find out what it is.

As for more proof, this email is coming from a doctor. And then we go to the PS.
And this is kind of interesting.
So you've given all these other benefits, like less aging, and now they switch over to, "and this is cheaper than most brands of bottled water, and it's definitely not tap water."
So a lot of 65 years old are not wealthy, they're not well-off, and you did an excellent job here to counter an objection that this will be too expensive for me.
So they click away from the email, and it's not tap water.
Again, this is eliminating any chance that they go, oh, I know what that is.
But it's exciting because what it does is build up curiosity.
Then they give them another link to clicks.
So this email does a great job of calling out people suffering from the vulnerability schema because they are fearful... And it does an excellent job of building a "fearful curiosity."
The copy confirms their fears that they're doing something wrong, and doom is right around the corner.
And by clicking through on the link, they're going to find a way out of the pain.
And not only are they going to find a way out of the pain, but they're also going to find a cheap way out of the pain as well.
Pretty good email overall.
I think there's a good chance when that goes through to the target market,
people are going to click out of curiosity, and it probably did well for them.
That's it for this week's email breakdown.